I've been using Faker for generating random data for my test and for seeding my database in rails. However, I found it a little slow for what it does.
I've heard that ffaker does the same but faster, and I have also heard of forgery. Can anyone highlight me the difference between those gems and tell me which one is the best ? New challenger are accepted...
Thanks in advance.
I've been using both faker and forgery. Both are good for generating random data. However, forgery has more built-in dictionaries than faker. You can compare:
https://github.com/stympy/faker/tree/master/lib/faker https://github.com/sevenwire/forgery/tree/master/lib/forgery/dictionaries
You can add your custom dictionaries to both.
But faker seems to be more popular for some reason. It has more watchers, stars and forks in github than forgery.