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Finding WndProc Address

How can I find the address of a WndProc (of a window of another process). Even if I inject a DLL and try to find it with either GetClassInfoEx() or GetWindowLong() or GetWindowLongPtr() I always get values like 0xffff08ed, which is definitely not an executable address. It is according to MSDN: "... the address of the window procedure, or a handle representing the address of the window procedure."

Unfortunately that is not good enough for me I need the actual address. Spy++ does the job right most of the time (but even that sometimes fails). So it should be be possible. Thanx.

[EDIT:] Kudos to Chris Becke for providing a super fast, and correct solution to my little problem!


  • Perhaps you are being stymied because you are asking for the wrong version of the windowproc.

    Window Procs, like applications, occur in two flavors: ansi and unicode. Windows cannot return a raw pointer to a ansi window to a unicode application, or visa versa, as they will attempt to call it with the wrong string type.

    So, there is no GetWindowLongPtr function. Its a macro that resolves to two 'real' functions the windows api provides: GetWindowLongPtrA and GetWindowLongPtrW. If the window is a unicode window, and GetWindowLongPtrA is called windows will return a handle instead of the raw pointer, so that it can intercept calls (made via CallWindowProc) and marshal the string's from ansi to unicode. The opposite conversion holds the other way.

    Even if you call the correct function, you still might get a handle back - its completely possible that ansi code has subclassed a unicode window. so the windowproc has been completely replaced by one of the callWindowProc handles.

    In that case - tough luck I guess.