I'm trying out Gwan, got it running in virtualbox (wmware seems too slow) on ubuntu on another machine. Installed and ran sudo ./gwan, it complained about java, ruby, php etc, I figured it's ok as I wanted to test the C part only.
So I can ping fine, but when I run hello world, I get error time out. Gwan process is running fine 4.3.14. No modification, straight out of install.
If you are running out of the box, you are using port 8080 at address which means that GWAN is listening at all addresses.
So if you are running the browser inside the virtualbox machine why don't you try
If you are running the browser outside the virtualbox machine, then it could be a network configuration problem.
Check out the FAQs of http://www.gwan.com/faq they give great information regarding installation and general problems.