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How to make SEO friendly extensionless urls dynamically in ASP.NET 4.0 webforms

First of all i apologize if this question is already asked, but i am unable to find any solution for my problem. I am working on a ASP.NET 4.0 Wepforms website in which admin will upload a picture and it will be considered as a post, like a pictures blog. Visitors can comment each picture using fb comments and can like it. Currently iam using query strings for each post(picture). But now i want to make each url as a SEO freindly. So basically i have two things to deal with:

  1. Make Unique URL for each Picture that admin uploads , url should be its title e.g "" same as blogengine or nopCommerce. Currently iam using the following code in Global.asax:

        void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) 
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routeCollection)
            routeCollection.MapPageRoute("RouteForCustomer", "Customer/{Id}", "~/Customer.aspx");
            routeCollection.MapPageRoute("RouteForHome", "home", "~/Default.aspx");
            routeCollection.MapPageRoute("RouteForTroll", "post", "~/post.aspx"); 

    the above code is not solving my problem, in it i have to assign urls statically.

  2. want to navigate between posts i.e next and previous

thanx in advance !


  • Please look a simple way I have just implemented as per your requirement. There may be more ways to do the same.

    I created a class: Images

    public class Images
            public string CurrentImage { get; set; }
            public string NextImage { get; set; }
            public string PreviousImage { get; set; }
            public string CurrentImagePhysicalName { get; set; }
            public Images(string currentImagePhysicalName, string Current, string Next, string Previous)
                this.CurrentImagePhysicalName = currentImagePhysicalName;
                this.CurrentImage = Current;
                this.NextImage = Next;
                this.PreviousImage = Previous;

    Register the route and initializes the image collection at application startup:

    public class Global : HttpApplication
            public static List<Images> col = new List<Images>();
            private void GetImages()
                // Build this collection as per your requirement. This is just a sample. 
                // Logic is to store current, next, previous image details for current displaying image/page. 
                // Hope while storing image each will have unique name before saving and will have all details in db like path, display name, etc.
                col.Add(new Images("orderedList0.png", "orderedList0", "orderedList1", ""));
                col.Add(new Images("orderedList1.png", "orderedList1", "orderedList2", "orderedList0"));
                col.Add(new Images("orderedList2.png", "orderedList2", "orderedList3", "orderedList1"));
                col.Add(new Images("orderedList3.png", "orderedList3", "orderedList4", "orderedList2"));
                col.Add(new Images("orderedList4.png", "orderedList4", "", "orderedList3"));
            void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routeCollection)
                routeCollection.MapPageRoute("RouteForImage", "Posts/{Name}", "~/Posts.aspx");


    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string currentImage = RouteData.Values["Name"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentImage))
                    Images image = Global.col.Find(x => x.CurrentImage == currentImage);
                    // Get Current Image URL where actually it is stored using from image variable and render / set image path where you want to using image.CurrentImagePhysicalName 
                    // Set Next - Previous Image urls
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(image.NextImage))
                        hyperlink_next.Visible = true;
                        hyperlink_next.Text = image.NextImage;
                        hyperlink_next.NavigateUrl = GetRouteUrl("RouteForImage", new { Name = image.NextImage });                    
                        hyperlink_next.Visible = false;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(image.PreviousImage))
                        hyperlink_previous.Visible = true;
                        hyperlink_previous.Text = image.PreviousImage;
                        hyperlink_previous.NavigateUrl = GetRouteUrl("RouteForImage", new { Name = image.PreviousImage });
                        hyperlink_previous.Visible = false;

    This is just a sample demonstration. The main idea here was to handle RouteData.Values["Name"].ToString() to handle dynamic urls.

    Hope this will be useful for you.