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Is it Possible To Copy Files PHP via Post Method

im trying to copy selected files form within a form table to a new folder in php.. For some reason I cant seem to figure out why my code isn't working appropriately. Is there a way to do this via POST method..I basically want to only copy files if there is a file selected from the form table via Post Method. A snippet of my code below... thanksss!!

      <form name="bm_table" action="getsounds.php" method="post">
    <table id="display_user_urls" >
        $dir = dir('/upload_sounds');
        echo "<tr>
      <td><strong>Mp3 Files</strong></td>";
        echo "<td><strong>Add Selected Mp3 To Members Page</strong></td>
        while(false !== ($file = $dir->read())){
            if($file != "." && $file !=".."){
                $file1 = basename($file,".mp3");
         echo "<tr>
             <td><a href=\"".$file1."\">".htmlspecialchars($file1)."</a></td>
             <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"add[]\"value=\"".$file1."\"/></td>
        echo  "<input id=\"add_mp3\" type=\"submit\" name=\"add_submit\" value=\"Click Here To Add\"/>";

Below is the post method page "getsounds.php"

    $files = scandir("uploads\\admin_uploads\\upload_sounds\\{$_POST['add'][0]}");

    $source = "uploads\\admin_uploads\\upload_sounds\\";

    $destination = "new_uploads48\\";
    foreach($files as $file){
            echo "Success";


  • It says.

    Warning: opendir(uploads\admin_uploads\upload_sounds\mymp3): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in C: ...

    So I think the problem is in the path you gave.

    Try one of these.

    $dir = dir('.\uploads\admin_uploads\upload_sounds'); , $dir = dir('\Myproject\index\uploads\admin_uploads\upload_sounds'); , $dir = dir('..\uploads\admin_uploads\upload_sounds');

    I think its because your path is pointing to base and you should try relative path or true and correct absolute path.