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MooTools Disable html elements with reference

I am using MooTools and I want to disable specific checkbox element, I tried with this code:

$$('#lbl-box-posts8 #Others').set().disabled = true;

But not working :(

My HTML Code:

    <li id="property_type8">
        <div class="email_alert_checkbx_list_type">
            <label id="lbl-box-posts8" class="label_check c_on" for="Others">
                <input type="checkbox" value="Others" class="validate['group[1,1]'] chkBX" id="Others" name="type">Others

My Mootools Code:

JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); /* to load mootools */
$ajax = "
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    window.addEvent('domready', function() {
            $$('#lbl-box-posts8 #Others').set().disabled = true;    
    /* ]]> */
$doc =&JFactory::getDocument();
$doc ->addScriptDeclaration($ajax); 


  • You mean something like this?

    $$('#lbl-box-posts8 #Others').set('disabled','disabled');