Been working on a Plone site for the last few weeks, it's the first time I've worked on one using buildout for recipes and paster for template generation, and it's been a learning curve.
two days ago, everything was working fine.
Yesterday, I started working from my known good source and used paster to generate boilerplate for a new archetype, worked fine. I edited the buildout (as I've done several times before) to account for the new item, ran buildout, and got a hung build (kept repeating that it was generating distribute)
Googling indicated that this was due to a version mismatch, and that I should upgrade to the latest version of distribute, so I did so (to 0.6.10)
Now, that error is gone, but so is any ability to do paster. Even running
paster create --list-templates
kicks out the error:
F:\Plone\src>paster create --list-templates
Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\Plone\Python\Scripts\", line 5, in ? from pkg_resources import load_entry_point ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
Hope someone can help, b/c I'm pretty stalled right now.
Turns out, the problem had to do with the new version of distribute apparently doesn't squash the old version correctly. I had to manually rename the old egg, delete teh new one, then re-install the new one.