I have a string like this:
..., "test1@test1.com" <test1@test1.com>, "test2@test2.com" <test2@test2.com>, "test3@test3.com", "test4@test4.com" <test4@test4.com>, ....
I am exploding everything by ,
, but problem is that i dont want to have value laike this
[0] => "test1@test1.com" <test1@test1.com>
i need to remove the emails which are in those <..>
So the result should be like this [0] => test1@test1.com
Any offers how to drop the second phrase?
$str = '"test1@test1.com" <test1@test1.com>';
$str= preg_replace("(<.*>+)", "", $str);
print $str;