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PL/SQL - use same pipelined function twice in the same query

I'm trying to use a pipelined function to save on time and reduce redundancy in my queries. The function in question returns data from a reference table based on some input. Records in the main data table I am selecting from have multiple columns that all refer to the reference table. The problem I run into is that when I try to use the pipelined function more than once in the query, I get a "cursor already open" error.

For example:

select xmlelement("genInf", xmlelement("ID", vt.ID),
                           xmlelement("vID", vt.V_ID),
                           xmlelement("vNum", vt.V_NUM),
                           xmlelement("terrDataCode", TERR_CODE.column_value), --data is based on reference table
                           xmlelement("ABValCode", AB_VAL_CD.column_value), --data is based on reference table
from V_TAB vt, table(UTIL.fn_getOvrdValXML(vt.terr_cd_id)) TERR_CODE,
               table(UTIL.fn_getOvrdValXML(vt.ab_val_id)) AB_VAL_CD
where vt.ID = in_vID;

This worked fine until I added the second reference to my pipeline function (fn_getOvrdValXML), and I now get the "cursor already open" error.

The pipelined function is very simple:

type t_XMLTab is table of XMLType; --this type is in the spec
function fn_getOvrdValXML(in_ID in return t_XMLTab
        pipelined is
        for r in C_OvrdVal(in_ID) loop
            pipe row(r.XMLChunk);
        end loop;

The cursor is similarly simple:

cursor C_OvrdVal(in_ID in is
        select xmlforest(ID as "valueID", S_VAL as "sValue", U_VAL as "uplValue",
                          O_VAL as "oValue", O_IND as "oIndicator", F_VAL as "finalValue",
                          O_RSN as "reason") AS XMLChunk
        from ovrd_val xov;
        where = in_ID;

Is there a way to work around this, or should I try to tackle this problem (the problem of having to reference ovrd_val and output an xmlforest in the same way many many many many times) differently?

I admit I'm new to pipelined functions so I'm not 100% sure this is an appropriate use, but it made sense at the time and I'm open to other ideas ;)


  • If you're using pipeline functions, then you're on 9i minimum which means you can use the WITH clause:

    WITH ovrdValXML AS (
             xmlforest(ID as "valueID", S_VAL as "sValue", U_VAL as "uplValue",
                            O_VAL as "oValue", O_IND as "oIndicator", F_VAL as "finalValue",
                            O_RSN as "reason") AS XMLChunk
         from ovrd_val xov)
    SELECT xmlelement("genInf", xmlelement("ID", vt.ID),
                           xmlelement("vID", vt.V_ID),
                           xmlelement("vNum", vt.V_NUM),
                           xmlelement("terrDataCode", TERR_CODE.column_value), --data is based on reference table
                           xmlelement("ABValCode", AB_VAL_CD.column_value), --data is based on reference table
      FROM V_TAB vt
      JOIN ovrdValXML terr_code ON terr_code = vt.?
                               AND = vt.terr_cd_id
      JOIN ovrdValXML ab_val_cd ON ab_val_cd = vt.?
                               AND = vt.ab_val_cd
     WHERE = IN_VID;

    Untested, and it's not clear what you're joining too - hence the ? on the join criteria.