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Populate a HTML SELECT using SQL and CF with a condition

I would like to populate 2 HTML elements SELECT using CF and SQL, the 1st select gets is options from all the elements in the TABLE Stakes, the 2nd SELECT gets is options from the TABLE Wards where the elements have the same StakeId as in the option selected in the 1st SELECT. I been trying to do this for hours, but i can't get to work the 2nd SELECT. Here is my code:


    SELECT * FROM Estacas

<SELECT NAME="Stakes">
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="getStakes">
        <OPTION VALUE="#estId#">#estName#</OPTION>


    SELECT * FROM Alas WHERE estId = form.Stakes

<SELECT NAME="Stakes">
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="getWards">
        <OPTION VALUE="alaId">#alaName#</OPTION>

Can anyone help me?


  • I finally find out the best way to solve my problem using only cf and html, Scott Stroz was right, about using the group attribute but back then i had no clue what he was talking about, this way there is no need to use other languages, like javascript. Thanks Scott even though i just found out what you were talking about after knowing this lol.

    <cfquery name="getAlasEstacas" datasource="#APPLICATION.ds#">
        SELECT a.alaId, a.alaName, e.estName 
        FROM alas a
        INNER JOIN estacas e ON e.estId = a.estId
        ORDER BY e.estName, a.alaName
    <select name="AlaId">
        <cfoutput query="getAlasEstacas" group="estName">
            <optgroup label="#estName#">
                    <option value="#alaId#">#alaName#</option>