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Dataguard broker reporting ORA-16801: redo transport-related property is inconsistent with database setting

I have set up a dataguard config, and done most of the work from within DGMGRL to avoid possible issues, its seems to be running fine, but its reporting the following problem:

ORA-16801: redo transport-related property is inconsistent with database setting.

Looking at DGMGRL it gives me the following info:

DGMGRL> show database  'ELBEMP' 'InconsistentLogXptProps';

          ELBEMP              ELBEMS1           LogXptMode       (missing SRLs)                ASYNC

          ELBEMP              ELBEMS2           LogXptMode       (missing SRLs)                ASYNC

          ELBEMP              ELBEMS3           LogXptMode       (missing SRLs)                ASYNC

I have added SRL to the primary, and they have been copied over to the standby when I created it via rman

Logs on the primary:

1 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/origlog/redo01.rdo
1 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrlog/redo01.rdo
2 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/origlog/redo02.rdo
2 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrlog/redo02.rdo
3 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/origlog/redo03.rdo
3 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrlog/redo03.rdo
4 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby04a.log
4 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby04b.log
5 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby05a.log
5 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby05b.log
6 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby06a.log
6 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby06b.log
7 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby07a.log
7 - STANDBY - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrarch/redostby07b.log

These are the logs on one of the standbys (ELBEMS3):

SQL> select group# ||' - '|| type ||' - '|| member from v$logfile;

1 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/origlog/redo01.rdo
1 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrlog/redo01.rdo
2 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/origlog/redo02.rdo
2 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrlog/redo02.rdo
3 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/origlog/redo03.rdo
3 - ONLINE - /oracle/ELBEMP/mirrlog/redo03.rdo

I will be honest I was expecting the logs to be ELBEMS3 and not ELBEMP, but everything seems to be applying and there are no non applied logs in v$archived_log

Anyone have any ideas of how to get rid of the error message?


  • It looks to me that you don't actually have any standby redo logs defined in the standby database - all your logfiles are ONLINE. You will need to create the standby logfiles on the standby databases as well. See the Data Guard Concepts and Administration Guide.


    Alternatively, you could drop the standby logs from the primary. Strictly speaking you don't have to operate with standby redo logs - they're only required for Real-Time Apply and maximum protection and maximum availability levels of data protection in Data Guard. Oracle does recommend using standby redo logs, and there's really no reason not to (and several reasons why you should). You really aren't using them at the moment anyway - the ones defined on the primary are only used if you switchover and make the primary a standby.