I need a line of code that will issue new sequential id's based on the order I've prescribed to my data. Essentially, after having sorted my data to my liking, the original Object_Id's are no longer in a meaningful order to me. In my table I created a new field (short integer). In the pre logic script box of the field calculator I attempted the following:
counter = 0
def uniqueID():
global counter
counter += 1
return counter
But it didn't seem to work.. A little sample of what my table looks like is as follows: (for visualization purposes)
1210 4444 01/10/10 01 NuLL
1801 4444 02/10/10 01 NuLL
303 4444 03/10/10 01 NuLL
2839 4444 03/10/10 01 NuLL
32100 5555 01/10/10 03 NuLL
34 5555 02/10/10 03 NuLL
In essence I need those NuLL's to now be 1, 2, 3, 4... etc etc. as my data is now ordered to my liking (first by MMSI number/within MMSI by date)
So, it would look as follows after: (notice the New_ID field is now populated)
1210 4444 01/10/10 01 1
1801 4444 02/10/10 01 2
303 4444 03/10/10 01 3
2839 4444 03/10/10 01 4
32100 5555 01/10/10 03 5
34 5555 02/10/10 03 6
how would I accomplish this? thanks
There's a field calculator sample in the ArcGIS Help that does exactly what you want.
(If that link doesn't work for you just search for "calculate field examples" in the ArcGIS help).
Scroll down to "Accumulative and sequential calculations".