I have an automated MailMerge app that gets data from a SQL database and merges with a Word .dotx then prints.
The mailmerge works fine. When it gets to the print it Opens Word, says there was a print error. But when you click OK, word closes and it prints just fine.
Not sure what the error would be, but the fact I have to click OK would hinder an automated process.
Here is my print code
System.Diagnostics.Process print = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
print.StartInfo.FileName = outputFilename;
print.StartInfo.Verb = "PrintTo";
print.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
var printerName = @"\\cdssvprn03\9858sam77501";
print.StartInfo.Arguments = printerName;
print.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
Any ideas on where to start?
I found an alternate method for background printing...
Console.WriteLine("Printing: " + outputFilename);
string filename = outputFilename;
Application app = new Application();
var printerName = @"\\CDSSVPRN03\9858sam77501";
app.ActivePrinter = printerName;