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App vs Mobile Website this one bugs ME

Okay, I'm going to rant for a moment because I don't get why people are confusing the differences. Or maybe I'm just not getting it.

Why do people call a Mobile Website an App when its not an App its a website to be exact a Mobile Website. App is something you have to download from the Apple/Droid Store and install it. I get it Apple, Droid and JQuery Mobile want to give the impression that its an App but its not even remotely close to an App. There's no Object C in any of it... It's HTML with some pics. So could someone please clear this up for me am I wrong for saying this?

Its very frustrating because clients think when we say app they thing something you download from the Apple store and install.

Thanks I have to get this off my chest!


  • A mobile website is not an app, you are correct. It is just a different flavor of HTML markup to be loaded on a mobile device to provide a better viewing experience.

    It could be loaded from within an app, if the website is embedded within one for additional purposes, such as taking advantage of other software in order to share information with people or provide additional capabilities alongside the app. But, in and of itself, a mobile website is just a website.