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Executing MSBuild ExtensionPack tasks inside visual studio

I have created a .target file to be imported into .csproj files. This target file imports MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks. When run from the commandline the ExtensionPack task gets executed fine, but if I run the build from inside visual studio the target still runs but it skips the extension task.

Here is the target file:

<Project xmlns=""
  <Import Project="$(TPath)"/>

  <Target Name="FindWSFiles">
    <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.FindUnder TaskAction="FindFilesAndDirectories" Path="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" SearchPattern="*WS*">
      <Output ItemName="AllFoundItems" TaskParameter="FoundItems"/>
    <Message Text="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" Importance="high"/>
    <Message Text="===== Found Files and Directories =====" Importance="high"/>
    <Message Text="AllFoundItems:%0d%0a@(AllFoundItems,'%0d%0a')"/>

  <Target Name="GenerateWSBin" BeforeTargets="CoreCompile" DependsOnTargets="FindWSFiles">
    <Message Text="GenerateWSBin" Importance="high" />  

  <Target Name="GenerateWSHooks" BeforeTargets="CoreCompile" DependsOnTargets="FindWSFiles">
    <Message Text="GenerateWSHooks" Importance="high"/>


How can I get the MSBuild.ExtensionPack task to execute inside of visual studio?


  • Ah this was a silly mistake on my part. I forgot to include Importance="high" inside <Message Text="AllFoundItems:%0d%0a@(AllFoundItems,'%0d%0a')" /> This caused the output to be suppressed inside visual studio.