I'm trying hard to find out a way to validate sonata media type form filed. My entity is related to media table with one-to-one relation . Here is relation
targetEntity: Sinepulse\UserBundle\Entity\User
mappedBy: profile_info
cascade: [all]
targetEntity: Sinepulse\Sonata\MediaBundle\Entity\Media
cascade: [ all ]
name: profile_image_id
referencedColumnName: id
nullable: true
onDelete: 'SET NULL'
My Form here:
->add('profile_image', 'sonata_media_type', array(
'provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.image',
'context' => 'user',
'validation_groups' => 'Default'
My attempted validation:
- File: { mimeTypes: [ image/png ], groups: [image,logo, offer] }
I am help less last few day for finding the solution. Because If I submit other than image file. It threw two exception RuntimeException
& InvalidArgumentException
. So please help me!
In your validation.yml file you created a rule only for: image, logo and offer groups. But in your form you specify the validation_groups to Default; so if you want to apply that rule, you need to:
Add the group to the form:
->add('profile_image', 'sonata_media_type', array(
// ...
'validation_groups' => array('Default', 'image') // or logo or offer
Or remove the groups of the validation.yml:
- File: { mimeTypes: [ image/png ] }