This is very similar to a problem someone else had on here except that the solution that fixed theirs is not my problem. (Note: I am using libgdx to develop this but I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with this issue since the signing part is working)
public void startQuickGame() {
boolean signedIn = getSignedIn();
// automatch criteria to invite 1 random automatch opponent.
// You can also specify more opponents (up to 3).
Bundle am = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(1, 4, 0);
// build the room config:
RoomConfig.Builder roomConfigBuilder = makeBasicRoomConfigBuilder();
RoomConfig roomConfig =;
// create room:
And here is where I check when the room is created.
final static int RC_WAITING_ROOM = 10002;
public void onRoomCreated(int statusCode, Room room) {
if (statusCode != GamesClient.STATUS_OK) {
// get waiting room intent
Intent i = aHelper.getGamesClient().getRealTimeWaitingRoomIntent(room, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
startActivityForResult(i, RC_WAITING_ROOM);
The status code I'm getting there is 6 which corresponds to
I'm definitely signed in before it creates the room as signedIn is always true.
My package name is matching, and I'm even seeing this in my api console.
Figured it out. Misleading Javadoc plus human error.
I took that second argument to mean the max number of players, not the max number of players to invite, hence you + 3 others.
So here is the culprit in my code =p
Bundle am = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(1, 4, 0);
Should be
Bundle am = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(1, 3, 0);
And now it works just fine =)