I'm using the following libavformat functions to read an audio file (various formats) and then write it to a new file on disk:
I'm wondering if it's possible to add encryption to this, either just for the header part or for the while file. That is, I want to encrypt the data before it's actually written to the new file and then decrypt before I read it the next time.
Is there any FFMPEG support to encrypt on read and decrypt on write using AES encryption?
If not, is there someway I can intercept and alter the data which is being read or written when using the functions above?
I know that in libavutil there is an AES encrypt/decrypt functions (in aes.h) but I cant find any good information on how to fit it into the other libavformat functions that I'm using.
After a lot of research I couldn't find a built-in way to do this in FFMPEG.
My solution instead was to encrypt and decrypt the file before i used it with FFMPEG.
I did however find a function in libavutil/aes.h which helped my do the actual encryption:
void av_aes_crypt (AVAES *a, uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int count, uint8_t *iv, int decrypt)