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Arduino programming on Mac OS X with Xcode 5?

Is there a good reference on how to set up an Arduino programming environment with Xcode?

An ideal answer would be along the lines of, "Oh yes, there's an active project on Google Code, just download the .dmg, copy the ${Xcode magic config file} to ${somewhere in ~Library}, restart Xcode and select "New Arduino Project" from the File menu. Click Build with your Arduino plugged in and it uploads it direct to the hardware."

Google gives a couple of hits, but they're kind of vague and out-of-date (specifically, the way Xcode does project templates changed between Xcode 3 and 4 and I can't find an Xcode 4 template.) I've officially outgrown Processing and I'd prefer not to blight my home life with Eclipse if at all possible.


  • I have just come across embedXcode which does exactly what I want.