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Live vertical profile plot in imagej

In imageJ, it is possible to use the rectangular selection tool to select an area, and then use Control-K (I'm using a Mac, but I think this is the same on the PC) to take the horizontal profile. This opens a new window, where you can click on the "Live" button, which allows you to see how the horizontal profile changes as you change the selection or scroll through a stack of images.

I want to do the same thing with the vertical profile. It is possible to take the vertical profile of an image using Option-K (Alt-k on the PC?). However, when I click the "live" button, the profile reverts to the horizontal lineout option. Is this a bug? Anyway to get a live view of the vertical profile?

I have just been rotating the images, but often I have a very large stack of images and rotating them takes a very long time. Any suggestions?

Screenshot showing the real vertical profile (top right) and the vertical profile after clicking the "live" button (bottom right): enter image description here


  • There are several options:

    • Set Prefs.verticalProfile to true:

      import ij.IJ;"Profile Plot Options...", "width=450 height=200 minimum=0 maximum=0 vertical interpolate draw");

      or, on a lower level:

      import ij.Prefs;
      Prefs.verticalProfile = true;
    • Enable Vertical profile in the Edit > Options > Profile Plot Options... dialog: Profile Plot Options

    • You can use a line selection with adjustable thickness. Press Shift while creating the selection to keep the line strictly vertical.