I have the following situation:
A perl script read a file where a application wrote it's pid
, and tries to kill it.
But the problem is that I don't want to kill another process so I check if current process with the recorded PID has the same command line. If so, the application could be killed.
The following blues script find out the cmdline:
$PIDCMDLINE = `ps -p $PID -o cmd`;
The problem is that if another instance for another user is up, maybe on the same sid, it would be killed because it will return a valid command line, and I don't want that behaviour.
How can I restrict ps -p to search only current users processes (no, simple ps
doesn't count, because -p nullify
the default effect of ps)
Thank you!
You can use the following to check both command and user for the certain PID:
ps -p <PID> -o user,cmd --columns 1000 | grep `whoami`
Adding a 'grep' according to the comment.