OK so I have this document structure within my database:
Message: {
uid: "id",
subject: "I AM A MESSAGE!",
body: "ASDF",
recipients: {
name: "John Doe",
hasRead: "true"
How do I use the C# driver to write a query for items that only John Doe has received? I'm using the MongoDB driver v1.3.1.
In the shell, the query would be
db.Message.find({"recipients.name" : "John Doe"});
The C# query depends on the data structure you're using in C#. I'm irritated that recipients
is plural, but the json is not an array. Since there are different ways of mapping C# collections to JSON, I can't present the C# query in linq form.
However, given the data structure you posted, this should work:
db.GetCollection("Message").Find(Query.EQ("recipients.name", "John Doe"));