I'm looking for a simple way to bring up a MapQuest map with something like:
http://mkapquestapi.com?address=123 Mapel St. Mytown, CA&diameter=20 miles
All the MapQuest documentation I've found tries to put me through hundreds of pages that do much more than I want.
I came across the example below in another StackOverflow question:
url: "http://www.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address?key=",
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
data: {location: { "postalCode": "98765"}, options: { thumbMaps: false} },
success: function(data) { log( data ) },
error: function(data) { log( 'error occurred - ' + zipCode + ' - ' + data ) }
I could handle something like that if someone could point me to where MapQuest explains what it wants in the parameters.
Thanks for any help.
So you want to open MapQuest with an address, rather than lat/long coordinates?
The parameter options are defined in the MapQuest geocoding parameters section. Try this: