I'm using HotTowel/Durandal for an SPA. On my home page, I've got the normal entrance transition in my main.js:
app.setRoot('viewmodels/shell', 'entrance');
This ends up routing to my home.js class. What I've done right now is in the activate function, I've made an ajax call to get the data
function viewAttached() {
return add(app.baseUrl + '/api/Customer/1/Animals');
My view has a div that is only shown once the array is not empty:
<div class="animal-results" data-bind="visible: visible()">
The problem I'm running in to is the entrance transition with a progress bar shows, and then it disappears. When it disappears, the data is not yet returned from the server, so the page looks blank for a second or two and then pops on when the view model is updated.
How do I make sure that the transition stays on the screen until either the data or an error is returned from the server?
From DurandalJS Docs
- The composition engine looks for an activate callback. If any activationData is specified in the compose binding, then that is passed as an argument. If the activate callback returns a promise, the composition engine will wait for its resolution before proceding.
Example Code
return {
activate: function () {
var self = this;
return $.getJSON('http://whatever/').then(function (receivedData) {
self.data= receivedData;