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Find inherited user roles, assigned by a group in a Liferay Theme 6.1.1 GA2

we want to check in a Liferay-Theme for 6.1.1 GA2, if the currently signed in user has a role e.g. "myRole".

The role is defined and assigned to the user, by adding the user to a group where this role is assigned.

When i check the user roles in control panel, the group is shown correctly for that user in the user list. Editing the user, the Roles-Panel shows in "Inherited Roles" the assigned group.

In theme a simple

#set ($usrRoles = $user.getRoles())
#foreach( $usrRole in $usrRoles )

only returns the directly assigned roles not the from group inherited roles.

Is there another method to get these roles? Or is this just one more bug in Liferay?


  • If you are using liferay usergroup you can retrieve associated roles through UserGroupRoleLocalService.

    Add this code after your:

    #set($userGroupRoleLocalService= $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupRoleLocalService"))
    #set($ugUsrRoles = $userGroupRoleLocalService.getUserGroupRoles($user.getUserId()))
    #foreach( $ugUsrRole in $ugUsrRoles )

    This is an interesting list of all the liferay objects available in velocity: Access Objects from Velocity