I want to get commit messages to my web app.
I am doing following:
In my git repository, added a POST service with post url as
http:/ /localhost:9000/myGitHook/ or http ://
in my urls.py I have :
URLS = [r'/', Main,
(r'/myGitHook/', GitHook),
the above url is mapped properly to following handler:
class GitHook(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
print self.request
#do something
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
print self.request
#do something
I am not doing anything else beyond these process.
Please suggest how to do it in the development environment.
Any kind of help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
Bitbucket server needs to access your hook and on localhost it can't. You can try using ProxyLocal or something similar, which will proxy your local web server and make it available for the public .