I am setting up quite big project based on NodeJS and MongoDB. I though about some setup script for the database so that I could automate db cleaning, setting up collections, defining indexes, etc on updates. In classic SQL approach it's common to write *.sql file that could be run from shell... Is there some good equivalent to do it with Mongo?
I added NodeJS in the title because I also though it would be nice idea to add the script definition into "scripts" part in package.json file but it is not the main problem here. Also, if it helps I decided to use Mongoose as a main driver in the project...
In mongodb, the equivalent to a sql file is basically a js file.
See here for more info.
And just a note: mongoose is an odm, not a driver.
Suppose we have the following script file
* script.js
You can execute it in mongo
shell this way:
mongo ./script.js
If you need to specify a username and password, you can use -u and -p switches. (Read this for more info.)