I have an issue with recursive git submodules in my Xcode workspace. I think that llvm is picking up the wrong .m file.
I'd like to confirm this by showing the methods available in the object binary.
I know that I can use ar -t myarchive.a
to show the .o
files in a static library. Is there any way to drill down deeper and show the method symbols available on a specific .o?
Use can use the nm
command to show the symbols within .o
or .a
file. See the nm
manpage for details.
$ nm build/IoEvent.o
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore18ChessCoreExceptionC1EPKcz
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore18ChessCoreExceptionD0Ev
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore18ChessCoreExceptionD1Ev
---------------- D __ZN9ChessCore7IoEvent11m_classnameE
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEvent3setEv
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEvent5resetEv
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventC1Ei
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventC1Ev
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventC2Ei
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventC2Ev
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventD0Ev
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventD1Ev
---------------- T __ZN9ChessCore7IoEventD2Ev
---------------- T __ZNK9ChessCore18ChessCoreException4whatEv
If you're using C++ (I know you're not) then you can use c++filt
to demangle those symbol names:
$ c++filt __ZN9ChessCore7IoEvent5resetEv