I'm writing a simple Java program, to familiarise myself with methods, that logs the people a person has met. For instance, if I meet Alison in London, I would log the following (Format: name,gender,when,where):
The program is built up as follows:
The user is presented with different opportunities:
Here is the skeleton of my code:
public void chooseCommand() throws FileNotFoundException {
System.out.println("Enter command: ");
text = input.next();
myCommand = Integer.parseInt(text);
while (myCommand !=5) {
if (myCommand == 1) {
writeToFile(); //Log new person
// Search for person type
else if (myCommand == 2) {
searchFor(); // Search for person by name
// Search for place
else if (myCommand == 3) {
searchFor(); // Search for person by place
// help
else if (myCommand == 4) {
showCommands(); // get a list of available commands
else if (myCommand == 5) {
// default
else {
System.out.println("Command not found");
This works just fine. However, after I choose one of the five options (log new person, search for name, search for place, help, quit), I would like to go back to the chooseCommand() method, so as to get the same options presented again, instead of having the initially chosen method loop infinitely. That is to say, after I log a new person, I want to be able to get new options, as opposed to having to log new people for all eternity, without killing the program.
public void writeToFile() {
// Write to file
try {
BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true));
System.out.println("Enter sighting: ");
for (int i = 0; i < personBlank.length; i++) {
System.out.println(personInfo[i] + ": ");
personEntry = input.next();
personBlank[i] = personEntry;
// change to toString() method
observed = personBlank[0] + "," + personBlank[1] + "," + personBlank[2] + "," + personBlank[3];
if (observed.equals(escape)) {
else {
output.write(observed); // log new person
catch (IOException e){
Any help on this is highly appreciated!
public void someMethod() {
while(isRunning) {
Then in chooseCommand() lose the loop, make option 5 set isRunning = false instead of exit(), and use a switch statement for prettyness.
public void chooseCommand() throws FileNotFoundException {
System.out.println("Enter command: ");
text = input.next();
myCommand = Integer.parseInt(text);
switch (myCommand) {
case 1:
writeToFile(); //Log new person
case 2:
// Search for place
case 3:
searchFor(); // Search for person by place
// help
case 4:
showCommands(); // get a list of available commands
case 5:
this.isRunning = false;
System.out.println("Command not found");