Search code examples

YII scenario: how to?

What If I have an input field for example:

  • UserEmail:
  • UserPhoneNumber:
  • UserOldPasword:
  • UserNewPassword:
  • UserRetypePassword:

And on my action update I will only require UserNewPassword if UserOldPassword is not empty else the only thing that needs to be updated is either UserEmail or UserPhoneNumber. How will I implement this rule?only on update? Or should I create a custom validator on my model?

so on my afterFind() I have this code to avoid the output of the hashed password:

public function afterFind()
    //reset the password to null because we don't want the hash to be shown.
    $this->old_password = $this->password;
    $this->password = null;


and I created a custom validation. it does validates, the problem is even if I submitted the form with empty UserNewPassword I still get an error and $this->password field is now returning a hashed value from my database

Please see my code and correct my mistakes:

public function checkForEmpty($attribute,$params){
                $this->addError('oldPassword','We require your old password to proceed changing password');
                $this->addError('retype_password','To assure that you type the right password please retype your password');
            if(!empty($params['oldPassword']) && !empty($params['retypePassword'])){


Thanks in advance...


  • you can do a beforeSave() in your model. I think it's the best solution because of your complicated logic, and not being a global issue of your app.


    public function beforeSave()
            //implement you logic here
            //or check it is a new record
                // do stuff here if new 
            //or you can return false if it doesn't meet your logic
            return true;
            return false;