I have found this post Replace Ninject with Simple Injector
but havent found the solution for following migrations. With Ninject:
public class ServiceClass : IServiceClass
IKernel kernel
this.kernel.Bind<IServiceClass>().ToMethod(context => this);
I try to use this construction with Simple Injector:
public class ServiceClass : IServiceClass
Container container
this.container = container;
this.container.Register<IServiceClass>(() => container.GetInstance<ServiceClass >());
is it equal to Ninject one?
The second part in Ninject is:
public void BindSomeCallback(DelegateNumberOne delegateNumberOne)
public void BindSomeCallback(DelegateNumberOne delegateNumberOne)
this.container.Register<DelegateNumberOne, delegateNumberOne>();
is it equal to Ninject one?
Nope. This is:
this.container.Register<IServiceClass>(() => this);
But since you're actually registering a singleton, you can better write it as follows:
The second part in Ninject is:
Again here, you want to register a delegate as singleton: