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Customized Auto-Number IDs for tables?

Is there a way to use my own number in a table like an auto-number; that is to automatically assign the next available to a new record. We have system ID numbers for each employee that I want to tie into this database. I just want the table to auto assign the next number.

Can I do this?
Could this be done with a mixture of numeric and alpha?
Could criteria be used, like Code A = certain set of numbers, Code B = another?


  • Of course you can, but you will have to design this yourself.

    There are hundreds of ways of doing this but one way might be that you may have a parameters table with "nextQuote", "nextEmployeeNo", "nextJob"... of course your table design could have anything, including prefix example;

    Prefix    Number
    Q          1145
    E            54
    J           999

    So now you can SELECT PreFix + MAX(Number) AS NextEmployee FROM Parameters WHERE Prefix = E

    And in your code you can increment the number after dealing with it.

    UPDATE Parameters SET Number = number + 1 WHERE Prefix = E 

    If this isn't up to the job then hopefully it will get you thinking in how you can do something similar.

    Hope this helps.