I understand that EventLog is capable into writing the exception messages into a log on disk.I have managed to setup the component, but when I set the component to active and do a simple test like:
eventlog.Debug('Application has started!');
I receive the following exception :
Operation not allowed when eventlog is active.
What am I doing wrong ? I can't find the exception in the log what so ever eaven if I set RaiseExceptionOnError to true.
Please a simple sample usage would be great!
Minimal working sample: A Form with two buttons and one eventlog.
Code (change $Username):
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
EventLog1.LogType := ltFile;
EventLog1.FileName := 'C:\users\$USERNAME\Desktop\Test.log';
EventLog1.Active := True;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
EventLog1.Debug('This is a test.');
Click first on Button1, then on Button2. Have fun.