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How to add background image to docx document through apache poi?

How i can add background image to docx document through Apache POI or other java framework. I would like have some xml block, where defined background, in result document like that

<w:document xmlns:wpc="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:r="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:wp14="" xmlns:wp="" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:w="" xmlns:w14="" xmlns:w15="" xmlns:wpg="" xmlns:wpi="" xmlns:wne="" xmlns:wps="" mc:Ignorable="w14 w15 wp14">
<w:background w:color="FFFFFF">
    <v:background id="_x0000_s1025" o:bwmode="white" o:targetscreensize="1024,768">
        <v:fill r:id="rId2" o:title="Alien 1" recolor="t" type="frame"/>


  • Assuming you want to add a background element to the root of the document, you'll need to do something like:

    XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument("test.docx"));
    if (doc.getDocument().getBackground() == null) {
    CTBackground bkgnd = doc.getDocument().getBackground();

    Now, to add your new background into the backgrounds list, which is in a different namespace, it's a bit trickier. We'd do something like:

    String xml = 
      "<v:background id=\"_x0000_s1025\" o:bwmode=\"white\" o:targetscreensize=\"1024,768\">" +
      "<v:fill r:id=\"rId2\" o:title=\"Alien 1\" recolor=\"t\" type=\"frame\"/>" +

    If you look in something like XWPFRun you'll see an example of adding in xml from a different namespace. Were it all in the .docx namespace you could do it all with the CT Objects, but sadly yours is a complicated case...

    If the manual XML stuff is a bit fiddly for you, try using POI to process a file with that added in by Word, and play around with the CTBackground object. That might let you work out the xmlbeans object for the inner v:background xml, which would offer up a simpler way of doing it. If you get it working, send in patch to POI!