I am building a chrome extension for a school, and it needs to authenticate with moodle, meaning that I need a OAuth or OpenID like setup, I open a page to moodle, the user then logs in/approves the app, and then a token is returned, which I can then use for normal moodle web service calls. Is this possible?
Thanks, Ari
I has a similar issue when trying to authenticate an extension using oauth, the flow I used was first check if we have tokens stored: if not then open a new tab from a background page, which means it will be ran when the extension is first installed, although if the token is there we go on to run our requests, but I asked the user to close the tab after the approval has been completed, which I set a listener for after it was created, then I knew that the process was complete and I could make requests.
If you need any code for sections of this, I'd be happy to post.
Good Luck
check if we have tokens saved :
if not :
var authURL = bgOauth.requestTokenCall();
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = bgOauth.processRequestTokenData;
req.open("get", authURL, true);
then I process the response from this, if all good then I open a new tab:
startPopup : function(destinationurl) {
chrome.tabs.create({url : destinationurl},
function(tab){bgOauth.newTabId = tab.id})
console.log('oh no, closed');
if(tabId == bgOauth.newTabId){
console.log('freaking sweet!');
return false;
Then I can finish the authorization process, and preform requests be sure to save your credentials in localStorage.