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Excluding fields with certain state from 2D array; Game of life

I have an array - 2D(100 x 100 in this case) with some states limited within borders as shown on picture:

Each cell has its own id(color, for example green is id=1) and flag isBorder(marked as white on pic if true). What I am trying to do is exclude set of cell with one state limited with borders(Grain) so i could work on each grain separately which means i would need to store all indexes for each grain.

Any one got an idea how to solve it?


  • Now that I've read your question again... The algorithm is essentially the same as filling the contiguous area with color. The most common way to do it is a BFS algorithm.

    Simply start within some point you are sure lays inside the current area, then gradually move in every direction, selecting traversed fields and putting them into a vector.

    // Edit: A bunch of other insights, made before I understood the question.

    I can possibly imagine an algorithm working like this:

    vector<2dCoord> result = data.filter(DataType::Green);
    for (2dCoord in result) {
        // do some operations on data[2dCoord]

    The implementation of filter in a simple unoptimized way would be to scan the whole array and push_back matching fields to the vector.

    If you shall need more complicated queries, lazily-evaluated proxy objects can work miracles:

        .closest(/*first*/ 100, /*from*/ 2dCoord(x,y))
        .apply([](DataField& field) {
            // processing here