I have an Manual reset event to control (pause and resume) the while loop. So in the loop, I must continuously check for event signal state
void my_loop()
// Check whether event is in signaled state
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(
ghEvent, // event handle
INFINITE); // indefinite wait
switch (dwWaitResult)
// Event object was signaled
printf("my_loop is working");
// An error occurred
printf("my_loop is halted");
Is this good practice? Does continuously calling WaitForSingleObject
cause any problem (CPU, memory, ...) ?
Or are there better ways to check for event state in this case ?
Choosing a manual resest event here causes the loop to be busy (100% cpu) while the event is set. So there must another part in your code resetting the event or did you just forget to reset the event at the WAIT_OBJECT_0
Is this good practice? Well, when the event isn't set, this code is just waiting (INFINITE
). However, when the event is set, this is just busy polling for the event to get reset.
I suspect you want to do something else in the WAIT_OBJECT_0
case and you want to have external control. You can do it that way, there is no problem using WaitForSingleObject
in a loop.