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nodejs python or twisted

I'm new to web development and going to make a website which responses with data received from request to web-service(facebook for e.g.) and how to choose what is more useful here:

  • nodejs has an callback model which allows not to wait while gathering data for user from other services (but i've broken my fingers and my brain after trying to make a kind of class in javascript with inheritance and the whole server drops after unhandled error in script)
  • python is very convinient in working with diff. kinds of data, it's more convinient for me, former C++ developer
  • yesterday i've read about twisted python that also uses callbacks

Help me please to choose what to use, better - performance, simple code


  • The callback model might make your code more verbose but WAIT! there is a solution! Check out waitfor.
    Anyway, if it's a personal project then no one is forcing you to use node.js for webapp development.You should go with what makes you more comfortable. If you like developing in python then go for it! :)