I have created a button where a "person" is created every time you click on it. The person has a random ID (not a unique, I know). The next step for is to assign each of the people a random background color when they are created.
What I've accomplished so far is that every time a new person is created, all of the people changes their color:
var sPersonName = $('#PersonName').val();
var sPersonLastName = $('#PersonLastName').val();
var sPersonAge = $('#PersonAge').val();
var sPersonGender = $('#PersonGender').val();
var sColor = GetMeARandomColor();
var iRandomId = GetRandomNumber(999999, 99999999999);
var iDivPersonId = $(this).attr('id');
$('.Person').data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson);
var oPerson = new Person();
$('.PersonContainer').append('<div id="'+iRandomId+'" class="Person" title="'+sPersonName+'" ></div>')
$('.Person').data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson).css('background-color', sColor);
The random color function:
function GetMeARandomColor()
var aEverything = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
var sTheColor = "#";
for(i=0; i < 6; i++)
iRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()* 16);
sTheColor += aEverything[iRandomNumber];
return sTheColor;
You can check the whole code here: http://jsfiddle.net/Adnaves/fVtVL/
The new person should have a random color, and that color should never change again. I hope that you can help me to get it working, but also to understanding how.
Is it because you're referring to the new person as class .person rather than by id? So it changes the color for all person divs, not just the newly created one?
$('.Person').data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson).css('background-color', sColor);
$('#'+iRandomId).data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson).css('background-color', sColor);
This seems to work: http://jsfiddle.net/fVtVL/6/