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Assign a random background.color to objects with random ID


I have created a button where a "person" is created every time you click on it. The person has a random ID (not a unique, I know). The next step for is to assign each of the people a random background color when they are created.

What I've accomplished so far is that every time a new person is created, all of the people changes their color:

 var sPersonName = $('#PersonName').val();
 var sPersonLastName = $('#PersonLastName').val();
 var sPersonAge = $('#PersonAge').val();
 var sPersonGender = $('#PersonGender').val();
 var sColor = GetMeARandomColor();

 var iRandomId = GetRandomNumber(999999, 99999999999);

 var iDivPersonId = $(this).attr('id');
 $('.Person').data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson);

 var oPerson = new Person();

$('.PersonContainer').append('<div id="'+iRandomId+'" class="Person" title="'+sPersonName+'" ></div>')
$('.Person').data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson).css('background-color', sColor);



The random color function:

function GetMeARandomColor()
var aEverything = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
var sTheColor = "#";
for(i=0; i < 6; i++)
   iRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()* 16);
   sTheColor += aEverything[iRandomNumber];
return sTheColor;

You can check the whole code here:

The new person should have a random color, and that color should never change again. I hope that you can help me to get it working, but also to understanding how.


  • Is it because you're referring to the new person as class .person rather than by id? So it changes the color for all person divs, not just the newly created one?


    $('.Person').data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson).css('background-color', sColor);


    $('#'+iRandomId).data('current-elem-id', iDivPersonId, oPerson).css('background-color', sColor);

    This seems to work: