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Execute Python function in Main thread from call in Dummy thread

I have a Python script that handles aynchronous callbacks from .NET Remoting. These callbacks execute in a dummy (worker) thread. From inside my callback handler, I need to call a function I've defined in my script, but I need the function to execute in the main thread.

The Main thread is a remote client that sends commands to a server. Some of these commands result in asynchronous callbacks.

Basically, I need the equivalent of .NET's Invoke method. Is this possible?


  • You want to use the Queue (now queue from python 3) class to set up a queue that your dummy threads populate with functions and that your main thread consumes.

    import queue
    #somewhere accessible to both:
    callback_queue = Queue.Queue()
    def from_dummy_thread(func_to_call_from_main_thread):
    def from_main_thread_blocking():
        callback = callback_queue.get() #blocks until an item is available
    def from_main_thread_nonblocking():
        while True:
                callback = callback_queue.get(False) #doesn't block
            except Queue.Empty: #raised when queue is empty


    import threading
    import time
    def print_num(dummyid, n):
        print "From %s: %d" % (dummyid, n)
    def dummy_run(dummyid):
        for i in xrange(5):
            from_dummy_thread(lambda: print_num(dummyid, i))
    threading.Thread(target=dummy_run, args=("a",)).start()
    threading.Thread(target=dummy_run, args=("b",)).start()
    while True:


    From a: 0
    From b: 0
    From a: 1
    From b: 1
    From b: 2
    From a: 2
    From b: 3
    From a: 3
    From b: 4
    From a: 4

    and then blocks forever