I have created an compound index on mysql, here is the command that i use: create index deliver_aid_sid_rcnt_idx on DELIVER_SM(AID,STATUSID,RETRY_CNT) USING BTREE; The weird is that i got different cardinality value for each field. is that normal? i have created other compound index as well and the cardinality value for each field is the same.
+--------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------------------+-------------+ | TABLE_SCHEMA | TABLE_NAME | COLUMN_NAME | INDEX_NAME | CARDINALITY | +--------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------------------+-------------+ | prddb | DELIVER_SM | AID | deliver_aid_sid_rcnt_idx | 28 | | prddb | DELIVER_SM | STATUSID | deliver_aid_sid_rcnt_idx | 286 | | prddb | DELIVER_SM | RETRY_CNT | deliver_aid_sid_rcnt_idx | 286 | +--------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------------------+-------------+
Index cardinality is not a number of distinct values of columns, it is rather a number of nodes in the b-tree index.
Consider below example:
CREATE TABLE abc( a int, b int, c int );
set @x = 0;
INSERT INTO abc( a, b, c )
SELECT (@x:=@x+1),
round( @x / 10 ),
round( @x / 100 )
FROM information_schema.columns
LIMIT 421;
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON abc( a, b, c );
CREATE INDEX ix2 ON abc( c, b, a );
and queries that show cardinality of indexes:
SELECT COUNT( distinct a) a,
COUNT( distinct b) b,
COUNT( distinct c) c,
COUNT( * )
FROM abc;
SELECT table_name, index_name, column_name, cardinality
WHERE table_name = 'abc' AND index_name = 'ix1';
SELECT table_name, index_name, column_name, cardinality
WHERE table_name = 'abc' AND index_name = 'ix2';
Look at this demo to see results: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b5987/1
The table has 421 rows.
Column a
has 421 distinct values.
Column b
has 43 distinct values.
Column c
has 5 distinct values.
I am a poor drawer so I don't attach drawings of these b-tree indexes here :)
But I hope you can imagine a picture of a b-tree index in your head, like in this link: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e25789/indexiot.htm
(BTW I recommend you to study this material, it's oracle related, not MySql, but it is great explanation how indexes work and how they are organized).
For ix1 ON abc( a, b, c )
index MySql shows following cardinalites:
a --> 407
b --> 407
c --> 407
Remember that cardinality numbers are not exact values, but rather estimates.
Here a
is a leading column in the index (this is the column with the highest number of distinct values), and because of this it creates a high number of top level nodes in the index. Remaining columns (their values) are also stored in (or maybe "under) these top-level index nodes.
Hovever for ix2 ON abc( c, b, a )
estimate values of cardinality are different:
c --> 9
b --> 101
a --> 407
In this case, where c
is the leading column of the index, MySql "thinks" (estimates) that the index has 9 "top level" nodes, values of b
take 101 nodes "below c
", and a
takes 407 nodes in the index.