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What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

private static void Main(string[] args)
    string str = null;
    Logger.InitUserLogWithRotation();            // <--- error occur

When I build project, it has no error. But When I execute it, it always aborted.

I tried to debug project , but System.TypeInitializationException error occurred at first line.

I've already tried to googling , yet found no solution.

It seems like any variable initialize code is wrong , but can't find it.

Please help me. I'm new to C#.


※ Here is Logger Class Code

public class Logger
    private static int HDLOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG = 4;
    private static int HDLOG_PRIORITY_ERROR = 1;
    private static int HDLOG_PRIORITY_FATAL = 0;
    private static int HDLOG_PRIORITY_INFO = 3;
    private static int HDLOG_PRIORITY_WARNING = 2;
    public static int LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 4;
    public static int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 2;
    public static int LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = 1;
    public static int LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 5;
    public static int LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 3;
    private static string s_bstCommonAppData = Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX");
    private static string s_bstUserDataDir = Path.Combine(s_bstCommonAppData, "UserData");
    private static string s_commonAppData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);
    private static bool s_consoleLogging = false;
    private static FileStream s_fileStream;
    public static HdLoggerCallback s_HdLoggerCallback;
    private static string s_logDir = null;
    private static string s_logFileName = "XXXX";
    private static string s_logFilePath = null;
    public static int s_logFileSize = 0xa00000;
    private static bool s_loggerInited = false;
    private static string s_logLevels = null;
    private static int s_logRotationTime = 0x7530;
    private static string s_logStringDebug = "DEBUG";
    private static string s_logStringError = "ERROR";
    private static string s_logStringFatal = "FATAL";
    private static string s_logStringInfo = "INFO";
    private static string s_logStringWarning = "WARNING";
    private static int s_processId = -1;
    private static string s_processName = "Unknown";
    private static object s_sync = new object();
    public static int s_totalLogFileNum = 5;
    private static TextWriter writer = Console.Error;

    private static void Close()
        if (!s_consoleLogging)

    public static void Debug(string msg)
        Debug("{0}", new object[] { msg });

    public static void Debug(string fmt, params object[] args)
        Print(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, s_processName, fmt, args);

    private static void DoLogRotation()
            lock (s_sync)
                FileInfo info = new FileInfo(s_logFilePath);
                if (info.Length >= s_logFileSize)
                    string destFileName = s_logFilePath + ".1";
                    string path = s_logFilePath + "." + s_totalLogFileNum;
                    if (File.Exists(path))
                    for (int i = s_totalLogFileNum - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                        string str3 = s_logFilePath + "." + i;
                        string str4 = s_logFilePath + "." + (i + 1);
                        if (File.Exists(str3))
                            File.Move(str3, str4);
                    File.Move(s_logFilePath, destFileName);
            goto Label_0000;
        catch (Exception)
            goto Label_0000;

    public static void Error(string msg)
        Error("{0}", new object[] { msg });

    public static void Error(string fmt, params object[] args)
        Print(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s_processName, fmt, args);

    public static void Fatal(string msg)
        Fatal("{0}", new object[] { msg });

    public static void Fatal(string fmt, params object[] args)
        Print(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, s_processName, fmt, args);

    private static string GetLogDir(bool userSpecificLog)
        string str;
        if (s_logDir != null)
            return s_logDir;
            if (userSpecificLog)
                str = Path.Combine(s_bstUserDataDir, "Logs");
                str = (string) Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\XXXX").GetValue("LogDir");
        catch (Exception)
            str = Path.Combine(s_bstUserDataDir, "Logs");
        s_logDir = str;
        return str;

    private static string GetPrefix(string tag, string logLevel)
        int managedThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
        return string.Format("{0:D4}-{1:D2}-{2:D2} {3:D2}:{4:D2}:{5:D2}.{6:D3} {7}:{8:X8} ({9}). {10}: ", new object[] { now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, now.Millisecond, s_processId, managedThreadId, tag, logLevel });

    public static TextWriter GetWriter()
        return new Writer(delegate (string msg) {

    private static void HdLogger(int prio, uint tid, string tag, string msg)
        int level = 0;
        if (prio == HDLOG_PRIORITY_FATAL)
            level = LOG_LEVEL_FATAL;
        else if (prio == HDLOG_PRIORITY_ERROR)
            level = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;
        else if (prio == HDLOG_PRIORITY_WARNING)
            level = LOG_LEVEL_WARNING;
        else if (prio == HDLOG_PRIORITY_INFO)
            level = LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
        else if (prio == HDLOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG)
            level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
        Print(level, tag, "{0:X8}: {1}", new object[] { tid, msg });

    public static void Info(string msg)
        Info("{0}", new object[] { msg });

    public static void Info(string fmt, params object[] args)
        Print(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s_processName, fmt, args);

    public static void InitConsoleLog()
        InitLog("-", true, false);

    public static void InitLog(string logFileName, bool userSpecificLog, bool doLogRotation)
        s_loggerInited = true;
        s_HdLoggerCallback = new HdLoggerCallback(Logger.HdLogger);
        s_processId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
        s_processName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;
        if (logFileName == "-")
            writer = Console.Error;
            s_consoleLogging = true;
            if (logFileName == null)
                logFileName = s_logFileName;
            if (userSpecificLog)
                logFileName = logFileName + "Users";
            string logDir = GetLogDir(userSpecificLog);
            string str2 = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.log", logDir, logFileName);
            if (!Directory.Exists(logDir))
            s_logFilePath = str2;
            lock (s_sync)
            if (doLogRotation)
                new Thread(() => DoLogRotation()) { IsBackground = true }.Start();

    public static void InitSystemLog()
        InitLog(null, false, false);

    public static void InitSystemLogWithRotation()
        InitLog(null, false, true);

    public static void InitUserLog()
        InitLog(null, true, false);

    public static void InitUserLogWithRotation()
        InitLog(null, true, true);

    private static bool IsLogLevelEnabled(string tag, string level)
        if (s_logLevels == null)
            return false;
        return (s_logLevels.StartsWith("ALL") || s_logLevels.Contains((tag + ":" + level).ToUpper()));

    private static void LogLevelsInit()
        string name = @"Software\XXXX\Config";
            using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(name))
                s_logLevels = (string) key.GetValue("DebugLogs");
        catch (Exception)
        if (s_logLevels != null)
            s_logLevels = s_logLevels.ToUpper();

    private static void Open()
        if (!s_consoleLogging)
            if (!s_loggerInited)
                InitLog("-", false, false);
                s_loggerInited = true;
                s_fileStream = new FileStream(s_logFilePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Delete | FileShare.ReadWrite);
                writer = new StreamWriter(s_fileStream, Encoding.UTF8);

    public static void Print(string msg)
        Print("{0}", new object[] { msg });

    public static void Print(string fmt, params object[] args)
        Print(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s_processName, fmt, args);

    public static void Print(int level, string tag, string fmt, params object[] args)
        string str = "UNKNOWN";
        if (level == LOG_LEVEL_FATAL)
            str = s_logStringFatal;
        else if (level == LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
            str = s_logStringError;
        else if (level == LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)
            str = s_logStringWarning;
        else if (level == LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
            str = s_logStringInfo;
        else if (level == LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)
            str = s_logStringDebug;
        if ((level != LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) || IsLogLevelEnabled(tag, str))
            lock (s_sync)
                writer.WriteLine(GetPrefix(tag, str) + fmt, args);

    public static void SetLogDir(string logDir)
        s_logDir = logDir;

    public static void Warning(string msg)
        Warning("{0}", new object[] { msg });

    public static void Warning(string fmt, params object[] args)
        Print(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, s_processName, fmt, args);

    public delegate void HdLoggerCallback(int prio, uint tid, string tag, string msg);

    public class Writer : TextWriter
        private WriteFunc writeFunc;

        public Writer(WriteFunc writeFunc)
            this.writeFunc = writeFunc;

        public override void WriteLine(string msg)

        public override void WriteLine(string fmt, object obj)
            this.writeFunc(string.Format(fmt, obj));

        public override void WriteLine(string fmt, object[] objs)
            this.writeFunc(string.Format(fmt, objs));

        public override System.Text.Encoding Encoding
                return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

        public delegate void WriteFunc(string msg);


  • Whenever a TypeInitializationException is thrown, check all initialization logic of the type you are referring to for the first time in the statement where the exception is thrown - in your case: Logger.

    Initialization logic includes: the type's static constructor (which - if I didn't miss it - you do not have for Logger) and field initialization.

    Field initialization is pretty much "uncritical" in Logger except for the following lines:

    private static string s_bstCommonAppData = Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX");
    private static string s_bstUserDataDir = Path.Combine(s_bstCommonAppData, "UserData");
    private static string s_commonAppData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);

    s_commonAppData is null at the point where Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX"); is called. As far as I'm concerned, these initializations happen in the exact order you wrote them - so put s_commonAppData up by at least two lines ;)