I have a DAISY zip file downloaded from OpenLibrary.org. How can I convert it to pdf/epub/word document?
I think that you are confused. DAISY books are primarily audio books. From http://www.daisy.org/about_us:
A DAISY book can be explained as a set of digital files that includes:
The DAISY Standard allows the producing agency full flexibility regarding the mix of text and audio ranging from audio-only, to full text and audio, to text-only.
What this means to you is that the DAISY file you have from OpenLibrary.org might be only or primarily a digital audio file. To convert that to pdf/epub/word, you would need a speech-to-text convertor. If the marked-up text file does contain all of the text, it shouldn't be hard to convert. DAISY readers are available for free on the web. To get one from DAISY, go here: http://www.daisy.org/tobi/upgrading-daisy-books-epub, which should definitely do the job.