I need some help in QuickDialog. I am using this tutorial QuickDialog but i cannot find what i would like to do in my QuickDialog.
First i have a controller A that will transfer to controller B using QuickDialog, values are in controller A. Now, my problem is how can i access the values when I'm already in controller B.
For example: i have declared QEntryElement *amountEntry = [[QEntryElement alloc] initWithTitle:@"Amount" Value:@""];
in controller A and passed this on controller B, how will i access amountEntry in controller B.
I hope i have explained it well. Please help on this.
You can access all values within the QRootElement. One way to do so is setting the key property of every QElement and afterwards fetch all key-value pairs into a NSMutableDicionary like so:
NSMutableDictionary *results = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[fooRootElement fetchValueIntoObject:results];
You can use the onSelected completion code to trigger such action with a QButtonElement
QSection *confirmButtonSection = [[QSection alloc] init];
QButtonElement *confirmButton = [[QButtonElement alloc] initWithTitle:@"Accept"];
[fooRootElement addSection:confirmButtonSection];
[confirmButtonSection addElement:confirmButton];
[confirmButton setOnSelected:(^{[self fetchResultsAndCheckThemAndDismissControllerBMethod];})];
the button will then call the method on controller A which will leave you with a filled dictionary full of sweet information.