I'm doing a python module that requires lots of set manipulations. I have tried lots of things but I haven't succeded. First, I'm dealing with sets in three dimensions and then I use itertools product function to do the cartesian product:
from itertools import product
# Marginal sets
x1 = set(['u1', 'd1'])
x2 = set(['u2', 'd2'])
x3 = set(['u3', 'd3'])
# Cartesian product of x1,x2,x3
X = set(product(x1,x2,x3))
>>> X
set([('d1', 'u2', 'u3'), ('u1', 'u2', 'u3'), ('u1', 'u2', 'd3'), ('d1', 'd2', 'u3'), ('u1', 'd2', 'd3'), ('d1', 'd2', 'd3'), ('u1', 'd2', 'u3'), ('d1', 'u2', 'd3')])
I would like to extend set intersection such that it accepts the following:
>>>set('d1') & X # Return elements of X containing 'd1'
set([('d1', 'u2', 'u3'), ('d1', 'd2', 'u3'), ('d1', 'd2', 'd3'), ('d1', 'u2', 'd3')])
And also the following:
>>>set('d1','u2') & X # Return elements of X containing 'd1'
set([('d1', 'u2', 'u3'), ('d1', 'u2', 'd3')])
I would also like to extend again the cartesian product by adding a new dimension, e.g.
x4 = set(['u4', 'd4'])
Y = cartesianproduct(X,x4)
set([('u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'd4'), ('d1', 'd2', 'u3', 'd4'), ('u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4'), ('u1', 'u2', 'd3', 'u4'), ('d1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4'), ('d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'u4'), ('d1', 'd2', 'u3', 'u4'), ('d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4'), ('u1', 'u2', 'd3', 'd4'), ('u1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4'), ('d1', 'u2', 'd3', 'd4'), ('d1', 'u2', 'd3', 'u4'), ('u1', 'd2', 'u3', 'u4'), ('d1', 'u2', 'u3', 'd4'), ('u1', 'd2', 'd3', 'u4'), ('u1', 'd2', 'u3', 'd4')])
Finally, I would like to remove a dimension:
Z = remove(x3,X)
set([('d1', 'd2'), ('u1', 'u2'), ('u1', 'd2'), ('d1', 'u2')])
I'm new in Python and I feel like I'm doing it totally wrong, mixing lists, tuples and sets in the wrong ways maybe...
Please be gentle :)
I would work with a list of sets instead:
X = map(set,product(x1,x2,x3))
def has_element(X,Y):
return [y for y in Y if len(y.intersection(X))]
print has_element(['d1','u1'],X)
>>> [set(['d2', 'u1', 'd3']), set(['d2', 'u1', 'u3']), set(['u1', 'd3', 'u2']), set(['u1', 'u3', 'u2']), set(['d2', 'd3', 'd1']), set(['d2', 'u3', 'd1']), set(['u2', 'd3', 'd1']), set(['u2', 'u3', 'd1'])]
For your second function:
def new_product(X,Y):
Z = []
for a,b in product(X,Y):
ab = b.copy()
return Z
print new_product(set(['d4','u4']),X)
>>> [set(['u1', 'd2', 'd3', 'u4']), set(['u1', 'd2', 'u3', 'u4']), set(['u4', 'u1', 'd3', 'u2']), set(['u4', 'u1', 'u3', 'u2']), set(['u4', 'd2', 'd3', 'd1']), set(['u4', 'd2', 'u3', 'd1']), set(['u4', 'd1', 'd3', 'u2']), set(['u4', 'd1', 'u3', 'u2']), set(['u1', 'd4', 'd2', 'd3']), set(['u1', 'd4', 'd2', 'u3']), set(['d4', 'u1', 'd3', 'u2']), set(['d4', 'u1', 'u3', 'u2']), set(['d4', 'd2', 'd3', 'd1']), set(['d4', 'd2', 'u3', 'd1']), set(['d4', 'd1', 'd3', 'u2']), set(['d4', 'd1', 'u3', 'u2'])]
The final function:
def remove(X,Y):
Z = Y[:] # Make a copy
for z in Z:
for x in X:
if x in z:
return Z
print remove(x3,X)
>>> [set(['d2', 'd1']), set(['d2', 'd1']), set(['u2', 'd1']), set(['u2', 'd1'])]