I want to generate screen shots of a EAGLView using Everyplay SDK but unable to do it. In Everyplay's github page, change log say we can call [[[Everyplay sharedInstance] capture] takeThumbnail];
as many times we want but I don't find any way to obtain image from that.
Also, EveryplayCapture class provides a property "thumbnailTextureId" (I guess it refers to the opengl texture) but is always 0 or nil.
I don't want to use EAGLView's -snapshot method because the resultant image is not good enough (contains rough white border around sprites) for use.
Is there any way to obtain a screenshot image from everyplay?
You are close.
In your class (then one you pass to Everyplay init method) implement this callback methods:
- (void)everyplayThumbnailReadyAtFilePath:(NSString *)thumbnailFilePath;
Now if you call
[[[Everyplay sharedInstance] capture] takeThumbnail];
Everyplay will call the method above to inform you that it's ready - from there you can read it as file.