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PHP Referrer of Referrer (Recursively)

I am looking into sending the user back two (or maybe more) pages from where they came. What works so far is

    <a href="javascript:history.go(-3)">
        Click here to go back to the view

However, the [history] page being called does not refresh to show the changes.

So I have the idea of referring the referrer. PHP gives me $_SERVER['REFERER'] to use, which is OK but only up to one level. How do I get the referrer (of referrer...) of $_SERVER['REFERER'] ?


  • Pure JS. No PHP.

    Modify your existing code like this.

            <a href="'autoLoad';history.go(-3)">
                Click here to go back to the view

    Now add this JS to the page, where you are being redirected. say test.html when you click history.go(-3)

    function autoLoad(){
      if ('autoLoad') {

    and in the body tag add this

    <body onload="autoLoad()">