I'm building a custom options panel in Wordpress. One of the options I'd like to offer is the ability to add text and html to the footer. I can enter simple tags like, bold - but when you add a URL crazy stuff happens. I did some googling and found "stripslashes", alas that doesn't work either.
The code below is part of a giant case statement.
<textarea cols="70" rows="5" name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>" class="ainput" id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>" type="<?php echo $value['type']; ?>" />
<?php echo get_settings (stripslashes($value['id'])); ?>
Figured it out. STRIPSLASHES needs to first!
<textarea cols="70" rows="5" name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>" class="ainput" id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>" type="<?php echo $value['type']; ?>" />
<?php echo stripslashes(get_settings($value['id'])); ?>