I tried the following code in C++ Builder XE4.
As I recall, struct type name can be used as type (no need to add "struct" in the variable declaration).
However, C++ Builder XE4 outputs compile error for pt1 declaration.
struct Point {
int x, y;
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
Point pt1; // error ( E2379 Statement missing ; )
struct Point pt2; // no error
The same code can be compiled without error on Ideone.com http://ideone.com/kVzrlc
Is the C++ Builder implementation of C++ struct somewhat different?
In C++Builder Point is a function has been defined in Classes.hpp. You should change your struct name (like TMyPoint) or use struct keyword in this case.
Note: In BCB you can use predefined and already accessible types for storing point data such as POINT, TPoint, ...