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Parallel Sort Algorithm

I'm looking for a simple implementation of a parallelized (multi-threaded) sort algorithm in C# that can operate on List<T> or Arrays, and possibly using Parallel Extensions but that part isn't strictly necessary.

Edit: Frank Krueger provides a good answer, however I wish to convert that example to one that doesn't use LINQ. Also note that Parallel.Do() seems to have been superceded by Parallel.Invoke().



  • From "The Darkside" in his article Parallel Extensions to the .Net Framework we have this parallel extensions version of quicksort:

    (Edit: Since the link is now dead, interested readers may find an archive of it at the Wayback Machine)

    private void QuicksortSequential<T>(T[] arr, int left, int right) 
    where T : IComparable<T>
        if (right > left)
            int pivot = Partition(arr, left, right);
            QuicksortSequential(arr, left, pivot - 1);
            QuicksortSequential(arr, pivot + 1, right);
    private void QuicksortParallelOptimised<T>(T[] arr, int left, int right) 
    where T : IComparable<T>
        const int SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD = 2048;
        if (right > left)
            if (right - left < SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD)
                QuicksortSequential(arr, left, right);
                int pivot = Partition(arr, left, right);
                    () => QuicksortParallelOptimised(arr, left, pivot - 1),
                    () => QuicksortParallelOptimised(arr, pivot + 1, right));

    Notice that he reverts to a sequential sort once the number of items is less than 2048.